Heräsin ajoissa aamulla että kerkesin suihkuun ja syömään kunnolla. Meidän piti olla Placa Catalunyalla 13.15 koska ne järjestäjät ei ollu varmoja mihin bussiin ne meidät laittaa. Eli piti olla paikalla kun ensimmäistä bussia alettiin täyttämään, ja busseja oli yhteensä 10. Perus espanja tyyliin odotettiin siinä ulkopuolella vaikka kuinka kauan ja klo 14.45 päästiin vihdoin siihen viimeseen bussiin joka lähti :D Matka kesti semmoset puolisen tuntia ja kun päästiin perille, suunnattiin heti jo alkaneeseen lasten karnevaalikulkueeseen. Mentiin reitin loppupäähän seisomaan niin ehdittiin ihan hyvin ennen kun kulkue edes saapui! Kulkueessa oli kaikkea maan ja taivaan väliltä: pelottavia otuksia, Disney-hahmoja, lapsia, vauvoja, sambatyttöjä... Kuvat kertokoon enemmän
I woke up early so I could eat and take a shower before leaving. We had to be at the meeting point at 1.15pm because the guy who arranged the trip was not sure in which bus we are going to. SO of course we had to wait and wait and wait. At 2.45pm we finally got into a bus. The bus trip took about half an hour so not bad. When we arrived Sitget we went to see the kids carnival parade which had just started. The parade had all kinds of weird things for the childrens, like scary characters, Disney-characters, Samba-girls, children, babies.. Everything.
Emmi, Susu, mie, Birte, Simone ja takana Teemu |
Shrek! |
After the kids parade we tried to find a restaurant where we could eat. Almost all of them were still closed because of the parade so we ended up in Pans&Company again. Blaah. Anyway, we ate the sandwiches and headed to the beach to take a few photos. After that, we wanted to go to a pub. We found a little pub/club called Las Vegas and went there. We had a few drinks only because they had Finland prices :P We went to the next place and the beer was 2e and so on. We took a couple of cans with us and went out to find good places for the "adults" parade.
We found a good spot for the parade. We waited a while and then you could here all the music and other noices.. Cool. I couldn't take very good pictures and then my camera's battery died so.. Yeah. At some point some of the kids carnival characters came again along the parade and Birte really wanted to take a picture with Darth Vader. We tried to shout "DARTH, DARTH" but it didn't work so we tried "Mister Vader" and then eventually he came to us and Birte got her picture haha. After about two hours of parade we went to buy some food from Burger King and more drinks from a store. We went to the beach where people were partying. Around 1am we had to go back to the buses and go back to Barcelona.
Melkeen kaikki mun ottamat kuvat on tämmösiä :D / Almost all of the pictures that I took are like this.. Nice hair though |
Tänään söin:
Aamulla muroja ja jugurttia
Pans&Companyssa kanapatongin
Burger Kingissä hampurilaisen
Hyvä päivä ruokien kannalta :)))))))) ja sori iskä lupasin etten käy Burger Kingissä mutta mulla ei ollu vaihtoehtoja. Mut pakotettiin. ;)
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